How long has it been?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

“Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.” ~ Langston Hughes

It's raining. But that's no reason to scowl out the window. Last night Aidan spent the night with us. That's Kevin's nephew. He's four. When we were on our way home from Rainforest Cafe he asked why it was raining. I explained the ground needed the water so plants could grow. Soon it will be time to harvest the crops. And for the crops to grow big and lush, we needed the rain. He seemed satisfied with that answer. Or he just lost interest and was on a different thought. I'd like to think the former is true. I like the rain. It washes the world. It's cleansing and pure. It patters down on the roof soothing the soul. I used to stand on the porch and watch the clouds rolling around in the sky with my dad. He taught me how to enjoy a storm. From the booming thunder to the cracks of lightening, all of it is a part of nature which we should appreciate. The house on Norwell has a porch in the back with an aluminum roof or something. That was the best place to listen to the rain fall. To really enjoy the storm, you have to use all your senses. Listen to the cracks, booms, and patters. Smell the crisp of the rain mixing with the earth. Feel the breeze and the dampness on your skin. If you're lucky, you might have some goosebumps on your arms to add a little texture. If you're brave tilt your head back, stick out your tongue and let the rain fall on it. It's kind of like sipping wine. Breathe in the scent of the world because it brings out the flavor of the rain. Keep your eyes open. Really see what's happening around you. Verdant tree tops sway against the contrast of the dark clouds swimming through the sky. With rain, everything is more green, more alive.

Rain is so soothing, most people take the time to curl up and read a book or nap. It puts most of us at peace. Ordinarily, today I would be just about to walk in to work. But my unit is closed. Again. So I'm on call. I thought I'd sit and "put pen to paper" and blog a little in this day of peacefulness.
Kevin and I had a mutual day off yesterday. We started the day off with a trip to the rheumatologist's office. My first appointment. I was nervous. Still, my blood pressure was good. My pulse, higher of course. The doctor came in and spent a lot of time talking with me about my history, my current symptoms and what we've done so far. There were times when I felt she really wasn't listening, too busy thinking, and it made me frustrated. She did a physical assessment and then told me her plan. She wanted X-Rays of my hands, wrists, feet, and ankles. She also wanted a long list, 22 items, of lab work. For now, I do not need another biopsy. She sent me to another room in her office where the very nice lab tech attempted to draw my blood. Kevin kept it light and fun. He made the office staff laugh. More importantly, he kept me calm and optimistic. After three attempts, the lab tech admitted defeat. My veins are not to be envied. They are not the great plump rope like veins Kevin has. Mine are wiggly, small, and deep. I picked up my paperwork and a prescription for more medicine, planned my next visit and took the very long walk to the registration area for X-Rays. Kevin found us a seat near the only TV in the waiting room where we watched Tom and Jerry. I love that I can watch cartoons with him and he doesn't roll his eyes and say we're too old for that nonsense. It seemed like forever but they finally called my name. I went in and had 3 or 4 views of each hand and foot done.

From there we headed home. Karen arrived shortly after with the kids and Mr. Booth. Aidan and Mr. Booth had just been fitted for their tuxedos for the wedding. I hear Aidan is excited but a little sad that his tux is not green. We left shortly after to see the Smurfs movie. I really wasn't sure I'd like it but it was really good. I love Neil Patrick Harris. He's so funny! It was interesting watching Aidan laugh and sit so still watching the movie. From there we went to Rainforest Cafe for dinner. It was my first time. We had a great time there! Aidan picked out bug goggles. They have a piece in them over the eyes so you can see what it's like to be a wasp. I think that's the one he got. There's a wasp, ant, and something else. He wanted the blue one. He also picked out a little box like a briefcase of stretchy colorful lizards, snakes, and frogs. He really likes those. We had dinner and talked. He kept us entertained. We talked about getting the volcano. It's a huge dessert that looks like a volcano. It's like five scoops of vanilla ice cream with 3 or 4 huge pieces of brownie and a sparkler in the top. I think there's caramel drizzled around it, too. Aidan said he thought we should get it next time. I'm not sure how it came up but he told me that sometimes when he doesn't get chocolate he cries really hard. I could totally relate to that.

After dinner we went home to build a fort in front of the TV. There was a disagreement between the engineers (Kevin and me). But it turned out okay. We watched a movie while hiding in the fort. Finally around 11pm Aidan fell asleep. Kevin couldn't get comfortable in the fort. He retreated back to the bedroom but sat there for an hour worrying about Aidan before he finally fell asleep. He didn't trust the integrity of the fort and was afraid it would fall in on him. I knew he'd be fine. I was worried he'd wake up and forget where he was and freak out. I stayed at the end of the tent with him. It was a restless sleep. My joints were aching and the floor wasn't so comfortable. Really, nothing would have been comfortable. Joint pain is just kind of miserable no matter what.

Bright and early, Aidan woke up at 7:15. To my surprise, so did Kevin! We got cleaned up and headed out for breakfast at Brunch Cafe down the street. Aidan ordered Chocolate chip pancakes and a glass of  orange juice without water. Of course, I asked her to mix some water in, though. We ate our breakfast and talked about what to do next. Aidan wanted to paint a bird house. We came home an got on our painting clothes. We had saved a special bird house for Aidan, a rocket ship. Which of course he painted green. That was short lived. He quickly got bored and ran off to play with his new toys from Rainforest Cafe. He did shout back some orders for Uncle to finish painting the bird house.

Kevin was cleaning up the fort and putting things away. Aidan was excited to go home to see his mom and dad. And his sister, too. He wants to come back again and do it all over. I think we had a good time.
It was a good practice run. We have some work to do. I forget that Kevin hasn't really been around little kids. He was the baby of his family until Aidan was born. He did pretty well for not really having any idea of what he's doing. I'm not an expert by any means. I've taken care of my brother since he was born and babysat lots of kids of all ages. And now I'm a pediatric nurse. So have some experience. None of that is as good as being a parent, though.

The best part was watching Kevin hold Aidan's hand and help him with things. He's very good with Aidan. It's a big change from when I first was around the family when Aidan was a few months old. Kevin would kind of hold him and stare at him like, "Now what?" Women always say guys that are good with little kids get extra points. It makes them more attractive somehow. This is totally true. This will probably make Kevin's stomach fall out of his behind but, he's going to make a great dad some day!

I wish my dad were here to see how Kevin has grown. My dad liked Kevin. He was happy we were getting married. He just wanted to be sure it was the right choice. Like most dads, he had his reservations. Mom did, too. But since Dad's passing, Mom has gotten to know Kevin more. He's really a part of the family now. She approves 100% and I know my dad would, too.

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